
November 9, 2015

PFY and NBLCA host PrEP Breakfast Forum for Health and Human Service Professionals from throughout Long Island

Pride for Youth in partnership with the National Black Leadership Commision (NBLCA)on AIDS held the breakfast forum, Are You Ready for PrEP: Bringing Health and Human Service Providers Together to Develop a Regional Plan for effective Implementation, on Wednesday, October 21,  2015 in Freeport, NY (flyer attached). Over 30 health and human professionals were in attendance and took part in some rich conversation about best practices for PrEP implementation here on LI! The goal of the forum and presentations were to focus on successes and challenges with PrEP implementation in Long Island, giving a brief overview of existing PrEP programs. Huge thanks to following organizations that participated in our presentations/panel discussion: NuHealth, NS-LIJ, AIDS Institute (NYC), Gilead, AIDS Institute (ADAP) and especially NBLCA!
Promotion for the Event
Event organizers, Pete Carney (PFY) and Rick-Anthony Richards Jr. (NBLCA) with our panel presenters from NuHealth, NS-LIJ, AIDS Institute and Gilead.