
December 20, 2015

Project SYNC YMSM Sexual Health Symposium at Hofstra University

On Friday, December 4th, 2015 over 100 health and human service professionals from throughout Long Island, attended the Symposium, Ending the AIDS Epidemic 2020: Project SYNC (Sex Among Youth in Nassau County) - Determining Risk Factors and Barriers to Engagement for YMSM in Nassau County, hosted at Hofstra University. Project Sync was a collaboration between Pride for Youth and Hofstra Unversity's MPH program, where over 250 YMSM living in Nassau County were surveyed on their sexual health practices and access to healthcare. Want more information about the findings of Project SYNC or the many sexual health services available at Pride for Youth? Call us at (516) 679-9000. 

December 1, 2015

PFY launches groundbreaking new healthcare services for gay and bisexual young men!

Pride for Youth (PFY), a program of Long Island Crisis Center, is proud to announce the launch of its newest program, Project PUSH (Protecting & Understanding Sexual Health) for those most at-risk for HIV on Long Island.

As a part of PFY’s ongoing partnership with North Shore-LIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent and Pediatric HIV, medical staff will now offer a full host of health services at Pride for Youth’s Bellmore location from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m., the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Services will be targeted for young gay and bisexual men (trans* inclusive), through age 30, who continue to have the highest rates of HIV infection both nationally and here on Long Island.

This groundbreaking new program is the first of its kind on Long Island and has the potential to reach at-risk young men who may not be likely to access healthcare in more traditional settings.  “Project PUSH is the outcome of two years of working with North Shore-LIJ Health System to provide greater access to healthcare to the young gay and bisexual men we serve,” states Mr. Carney.  “We recognized that most of these young men, unable to secure these services anywhere on Long Island, either went to NYC for care, or, more likely, went without these vital services.  Project PUSH has the ability to provide equality in healthcare and create a culture of accessing needed care among this population.” 

Services available include:  initial exams, HIV testing, vaccinations for HPV/Meningitis, PrEP/PEP evaluations, screening/treatment for STDs, screening for Hepatitis and more.

“We are hopeful that by more effectively attending to the sexual health needs of this population, we are also working towards Governor Cuomo’s goal of ‘Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2020’,” concludes Mr. Carney.

November 9, 2015

PFY and NBLCA host PrEP Breakfast Forum for Health and Human Service Professionals from throughout Long Island

Pride for Youth in partnership with the National Black Leadership Commision (NBLCA)on AIDS held the breakfast forum, Are You Ready for PrEP: Bringing Health and Human Service Providers Together to Develop a Regional Plan for effective Implementation, on Wednesday, October 21,  2015 in Freeport, NY (flyer attached). Over 30 health and human professionals were in attendance and took part in some rich conversation about best practices for PrEP implementation here on LI! The goal of the forum and presentations were to focus on successes and challenges with PrEP implementation in Long Island, giving a brief overview of existing PrEP programs. Huge thanks to following organizations that participated in our presentations/panel discussion: NuHealth, NS-LIJ, AIDS Institute (NYC), Gilead, AIDS Institute (ADAP) and especially NBLCA!
Promotion for the Event
Event organizers, Pete Carney (PFY) and Rick-Anthony Richards Jr. (NBLCA) with our panel presenters from NuHealth, NS-LIJ, AIDS Institute and Gilead. 

November 8, 2015

Meet our new Peer Navigators!!

In August of this year, Pride for Youth hired and trained 7 new Peer Navigators, all young gay/bisexual men, ages 17-24. Our Peer Navigators are reaching out to the LGBTQ youth community. They are providing workshops on HIV, STIs and PrEP/PEP. They are working hard to get the community involved in Pride for Youth and let young people know about the services available to them!

Pride for Youth Staff Presents at the NYS LGBT Beyond the Epidemic Conference in Albany

Pride for Youth staff were honored to be selected to present at the statewide LGBT Beyond the Epidemic Conference in Albany this past July. The conference, organized by the Empire State Pride Agenda and NYS AIDS Institute, brought together over 200 health and human service providers from throughout the state. PFY Assistant Drector, Tawni Engel presented on LGBTQ Substance Abuse from a Mental Health Perspective; Supervising Social Worker, Galo Cunto, presented on Harnessing Established Social Media Platforms to Engage YMSM; and Director, Pete Carney, co-presented with Demetre Daskalakis, Asst. Commissioner Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control, NYC DOHMH, on PrEP/PEP.
PFY Asst. Director, Tawni Engel

PFY Asst. Director, Tawni Engel

PFY Supervising Social Worker, Galo Cunto

PFY Supervising Social Worker, Galo Cunto

PFY Director, Pete Carney

PFY Director, Pete Carney

PFY's Pride Invasion 2015!!!

For the first time ever, Pride for Youth took part in the Queens, Long Island and NYC Pride Parades in June 2015. "As our free and confidential services continue to expand beyond Long Island, into Queens, we felt what better time than Pride Month to raise awareness of our services that are available to LGBTQ young people and young adults, from throughout LI and Queens" stated PFY Director, Pete Carney. Much thanks to our many youth participants and community supporters who joined us to celebrate Pride throughout the month of June!!

Queens Pride 2015

Queens Pride 2015

Queens Pride 2015

Long Island Pride 2015

Long island Pride 2015

Long Island Pride 2015

NYC Pride 2015

NYC Pride 2015

NYC Pride 2015

June 3, 2015

Pride for Youth launches groundbreaking new HIV testing program on Long island!

Exciting News!! Pride for Youth is one of only 6 programs statewide, selected to be part of a NYS AIDS Institute Pilot Program to provide access to free Self-Administered HIV Testing Kits to those at risk for HIV infection. This new program, is open to all members of the LGBTQ community, age 17 years and up, or anyone who feels they may be at risk for HIV. Individuals will be given the opportunity to self-administer their own rapid HIV test, with the support of a PFY counselor, or take the test home to administer in the privacy of their home. PFY counseling staff will follow up with all participants to offer linkage to care and ongoing HIV prevention education and support. Call (516) 679-9000 ext 16 and speak with Jill Estes ( to get connected! All testing services are free and confidential.

Pride for Youth's Pride Invasion 2015

 What's better than 1 day of Pride? How about 3?!?! For the first time ever Pride for Youth is signed up to march in the Long Island (6/13), Queens (6/7) and NYC (6/28) Pride Parades!! We are calling all participants and PFY supporters to join us and show your Pride. All marchers will receive a free PFY Pride 2015 t-shirt (while supplies last). Check out our Facebook page for all the details!!!

April 13, 2015

Creating Success Through Pride... and Education!

Every two years, GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) conducts "The National School Climate Survey", which aims to determine how LGBTQ youth across the country are feeling in their schools. The results of the 2013 survey have been published, and they are a glaring validation of the community education services that Pride for Youth offers to schools in Nassau County. Here are a few of the statistics taken from the survey: over 55% of LGBTQ students felt unsafe in school due to their sexual orientation; nearly 40% also felt unsafe due to their gender expression; 60% of students reported that school faculty & staff do no intervene when negative LGBTQ remarks are openly made at school; and almost 70% stated that no LGBTQ-related topics are ever integrated into any classroom curriculum. Often we feel like a lot of progress has been made because we are seeing Marriage Equality passing in an increasing number of states, but the reality is that MUCH more work needs to be done. And it starts with educating our youth. For more information on the educational topics Pride for Youth offers and how to book a workshop, please visit To see "The 2013 National School Climate Survey" in its entirety, visit

March 10, 2015

Pride for Youth Launches Groundbreaking PrEP Program to Combat HIV/AIDS on Long Island


Pride for Youth (a program of Long Island Crisis Center), a leader in HIV prevention on Long Island since its inception in 1993, has launched a groundbreaking PrEP Assessment & Monitoring Program for young gay and bisexual (trans inclusive) men, through age 30.  Supported through a grant from the New York State Department of Health (DOH), this is the first program of its kind by a community based organization on Long Island and one of only a handful statewide.

“Expanding access to PrEP is a key to ending the AIDS epidemic in New York State, and we commend Pride for Youth for helping lead the charge on Long Island,” said acting New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.  “PrEP has proven to be a tremendous prevention method, but it’s essential that people who use it understand the importance of continued condom use and the need to comply with PrEP’s strict medication regimen.”

PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a new, FDA approved, HIV prevention method in which individuals who are not HIV positive take a pill (Truvada) a day to prevent infection.  When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection in people who are at high risk by up to 92% according to the Centers for Disease Control.  PrEP is one of the three main components of Gov. Cuomo’s End AIDS 2020 Campaign that was launched last June.

Pride for Youth’s PrEP Program is an expansion of its partnership with the North Shore-LIJ Health System’s Center for Young Adult, Adolescent and Pediatric HIV that has already included HIV testing, outreach and greater access to healthcare for young men.  Pride for Youth staff conduct initial assessments followed by active referrals to North Shore-LIJ for medical evaluation and formal enrollment for PrEP.  Pride for Youth and North Shore-LIJ staff partner to provide ongoing support, monitoring and risk-reduction education to all clients.  Initial assessments and monitoring are provided free of charge with health insurance or Medicaid required for medical services and prescriptions.  All services are also available in Spanish.  In addition, assessment and monitoring is available for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), antiviral drugs that are used after a single, high-risk event to prevent HIV infection.

“Our PrEP program is an evolution of not only our commitment to HIV prevention, but also our partnership with North Shore-LIJ to provide culturally competent healthcare to young gay/bisexual men and transgender individuals throughout Long Island and Queens.  PrEP empowers individuals to responsibly take charge of their sex lives and healthcare. Our program has been met with great enthusiasm and we’ve been enrolling clients since December 2014,” states Pete Carney, Director of Pride for Youth.  “We are proud to have a role in bringing Governor Cuomo’s End AIDS 2020 Campaign to fruition.”

David Rosenthal, DO, PhD, Medical Director for the North Shore-LIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent and Pediatric HIV, said, “Our partnership with Pride for Youth brings together the North Shore-LIJ Health System and an LGBTQ-focused community-based organization to work together to serve our community. Together, our agencies can provide the most comprehensive care for our clients.  In working with Pride for Youth, we are finding new cases of HIV, helping patients with HIV get back into appropriate medical care, and preventing the spread of HIV in Long Island and Queens with PrEP as the backbone of our HIV prevention strategy.  This relationship expands our ability to provide culturally sensitive medical care in an LGBTQ-friendly environment, which helps bring us closer to achieving the ‘End AIDS 2020 Campaign’.”

March 2, 2015

Pride for Youth marches in the 16th Annual St.Pat's for All Parade in Queens

On Sunday, March 1st, 2015 Pride for Youth (along with Mpowerment LI) marched in the 16th Annual St. Pat's for All Parade in Queens, celebrating all forms of diversity within the Irish community. The parade was founded by noted LGBTQ activist and Long Island Crisis Center Resource Council member, Brendan Fay. Despite the snow and cold temps we were all extremely proud to be asked to be a part of this wonderful celebration!

February 1, 2015

NOH8 at PFY!

On Friday, January 23rd, Pride for Youth hosted a NOH8 Campaign photo shoot to celebrate a GSA's victory in a local middle school here on Long Island. The GSA had organized a NOH8 photo shoot of their own in their school, which was met with controversy in the community, so they reached out to PFY staff for support. Ultimately, after much self-advocacy on their part, the campaign was held in the school, and PFY wanted to honor their achievement by opening up another photo shoot to all LGBTQ youth and straight allies who wanted to participate.

January 12, 2015

PFY Welcomes Community Kinship Life Staff for a Trans Issues Training

                                          PFY staff, Mario Devon & Tawni, with CK Life staff Cris and Kim

On Monday, January 12, 2015 PFY hosted Community Kinship Life(CK Life) staff members, Kim Watson and Mister Cris, who provided a 4 hour Trans Issues training to PFY and LICC staff. We feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to receive all this great info from CK Life staff! To find out all about the great work CK Life does with Trans individuals, check out their website:

January 9, 2015

Pride for Youth and North Shore/LIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent & Pediatric HIV host a successful PrEP/PEP Community Forum

                                     Our Panel for the Forum: Pete Carney, LCSW, Director of PFY, Erin Spector, PA at NSLIJ Center for Young Adult,                                                            Adolescent & Pediatric HIV, David Rosenthal, DO, Medical Director at NSLIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent &                                                          Pediatric HIV
                                                  PFY and NSLIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent & Pediatric HIV excited to begin our new partnership
                                                  PFY Director, Pete Carney, gives opening remarks at the Forum
On Wednesday, December 10, 2014 over 50 health and human service professionals and members of the LGBTQ community on Long Island were in attendance at Pride for Youth's PrEP/PEP Community Forum. The Forum was held in partnership with the North Shore/LIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent & Pediatric HIV, whose medical staff spoke and provided education on these relatively new  HIV prevention methods. This Forum was held in conjunction with the launch of Pride for Youth's new PrEP/PEP program the first of its kind on Long Island. We are thrilled to be embarking on this new partnership with the North Shore/LIJ Center for Young Adult, Adolescent & Pediatric HIV in order to bring expanded services to the LGBTQ community on Long Island. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements about this partnership in the near future!