
October 4, 2013

Three Little Girls Raise BIG Money for Pride for Youth!

Pride for Youth serves LGBTQ young people of all ages - and our services are free! So imagine our surprise when we received a HUGE donation from 3 young girls - sisters age 8, 10 and 12.

The granddaughters of one of our long-time supporters Sandy (who was also one of the founders of the Long Island Pride Parade!) fund raised over $350 for Pride for Youth! Proof that even the smallest of voices can be heard!

The girls took the PFY literature from their Grandmothers room and without telling her made a sign to fund raise for Pride for Youth! The sisters sold lemonade and goodies to make the money!

Thank you so much to all of you! Our young people made tons of 'Thank You' cards for the young girls that are in the mail with PFY t-shirts, bracelets and more! They made our day, so we wanted to make yours! 

If you or a group you belong to ever want to donate to Pride for Youth, you can do so here!